Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Properties of 0.5Pr0.67Ba0.22Sr0.11Mn0.95Fe0.05O3/ 0.5Pr0.67Ba0.22Sr0.11Mn0.9Fe0.1O3 Composite

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Manganites, X-ray diffraction, Rietveld refinement, Magnetization, Relative cooling power


In the present work, the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of 0.5Pr0.67Ba0.22Sr0.11Mn0.95Fe0.05O3 /0.5Pr0.67Ba0.22Sr0.11Mn0.9Fe0.1O3 (0.5PBSMF0.05/0.5PBSMF0.1) composite have been investigated. Our composite 0.5PBSMF0.05/0.5PBSMF0.1 has been synthesized using the solid–state reaction.  X-ray diffraction (XRD) at room temperature has been used to carry out the structural properties. In order to investigate the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of the samples, magnetization measurements dependence on temperature and magnetic field have been performed by using physical property measurement system. XRD results indicate that all our simples crystallized in the orthorhombic structure with Pnma space group. Magnetization measurements versus temperature for the composite reveal two magnetic transition temperatures associated to both manganites, which induces an enlargement of the magnetic entropy change peak. Based on Maxwell relation, the maximum magnetic entropy change () of the composite has been calculated as 1.18×10-3 Jkg-1K-1, which corresponds to relative cooling power (RCP) about 17.8 Jkg−1 under a magnetic field change of 5T.


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How to Cite

Snini, K., & Ellouze, M. (2022). Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Properties of 0.5Pr0.67Ba0.22Sr0.11Mn0.95Fe0.05O3/ 0.5Pr0.67Ba0.22Sr0.11Mn0.9Fe0.1O3 Composite. Journal of NanoScience in Advanced Materials, 1(1), 20–24.



Regular Article
Received 2022-11-21
Accepted 2022-12-19
Published 2022-12-25