Writing Rules
The acceptable file format is Microsoft Word®. Download Manuscript Template
Before submitting your manuscript, make sure you follow all the requirements of the NANOSAM for submission. The following brief guidelines will help you to ensure prompt error-free publications that precisely reflect your intent.
- Submit a single compiled main manuscript for the initial submissions. Do not upload figures or tables as separate files in the first submissions.
- Include Supporting information (SI) at the end of the main manuscript PDF or as a separate SI Appendix PDF, if part of your article.
- The title will be Cambria font 16 font, first letter word capital, bold and align sideway, must indicate adequately represent the content of the article.
- Abstract of the manuscript should be written in Cambria 9 font, align sideway. It should be prepared in between 150 to 250 words. The abstract should have the following structure without writing the headings within the text: problem, purpose, method, results, and conclusion.
The introduction part of the manuscript should include information about the purpose, significance, conceptual – theoretical framework, and study in general. Cambria Style 10 font, single line spacing, the first line indented 0.5 cm. References should be prepared based on “Numbered” references and citing displaying essences. Citing should be given [1,2].
At the end of the introduction, please make sure you have clearly identified the research gap in the literature and highlighted the novelty of your work.
- The Results and Discussion part is the main section of the manuscript. Here, all experimental/theoretical results will be presented. Cambria Style 10 font, single line spacing, the first line indented 0.5 cm. References should be prepared based on “Numbered” references and citing displaying essences. Citing should be given [3-5].
Figure caption must be located just below the figures and written in Cambria Style 10 font.
- Tables should be created with Word’s Insert Table function and placed within your paper. If the table has already been made, please be sure it has been made with Word’s Table features. Tables created with spaces or tabs will create problems and may be improperly typeset. To ensure your table is published as you wish, you must use Word’s Table function.
Equations need to be editable so we recommend that you create them with the built-in Microsoft® Equation Editor included with your version of Word. If you wish to use Mathtype, check for compatibility at
In the Conclusion part, the analyized data and findings are concluded, discussed, and suggested in this section. Use Cambria style 10 font, single line spacing, the first line indented 0.5 cm. Do not rewrite the abstract and/or duplicate any sentence written in the text. Do not give reference in the Conclusion part.
The method part of the manuscript should be written clearly by giving information about the method/process followed in the study. Use Cambria style 10 font, single line spacing, the first line indented 0.5 cm. References should be prepared based on “Numbered” references. The Method part must be placed after the Conclusion part.
Acknowledge anyone who contributed to the manuscript. If you do not have anyone to acknowledge, please write "Not applicable" in this section. If you have funding, acknowledge it here. Use Cambria style 10 font, single line spacing, the first line indented 0.5 cm.
Authors’ contributions: The individual contributions of authors to the manuscript should be specified in this section. Please use initials to refer to each author's contribution in this section.
Data Availability Statement: The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Keyword1; keyword2; keyword3;keyword4; keyword5.
References must be prepared based on “Numbered” references and citing displaying essences and Cambria style 8 font.
If you are using EndNote for bibliography in your manuscript, you may download NANOSAM's EndNote style for refererence list.
Journal Citations:
[1] Surname, N., Title of the article. Journal name Vol(No), first page–last page (Year).
Book Citations:
[2] Surname, N., Surname, N., Title of the book. Edt.No, Publisher, City, Country (Year).
Chapter in a Multi-Authored Book:
[3] Surname, N., Surname, N., Surname, N., Chapter Title, Vol (Chapter No) (Eds: Surname, N.), Publisher, City, Country (Year).
Proceedings Volumes:
[4] Surname, N., Surname, N., Title of the presented study, Presented in Workshop/Conference/School name, City, Country (Year)
Thesis and Patents:
[5] Surname, N., Title of the Thesis, University name, City, Country (Year)
[6] Surname, N., Title of the article, (Preprint) arXiv:XXX.XXXX, XX, submitted: (Date, Year).