Magnetocaloric Effect Simulation in La0.8Na0.2MnO3-Δ Nanopowders

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Critical behavior, Landau model, Magnetizations, Modified Arrott plot, Spontaneous magnetization


The critical behavior of La0.8Na0.2MnO3-Δ nanopowders at the paramagnetic to ferromagnetic phase transition is studied. The optimized critical exponents, through an iterative program based on Kouvel–Fisher method, were found to be as: ; . These obtained critical exponents does not match with the conventional universality classes. In addition, these  and  values are close the ones predicted by the mean-filed theory (  and ). It has been approved that the estimated critical temperature and the critical exponents are unambiguous and intrinsic to the La0.8Na0.2MnO3-Δ nanopowders. Based on the combination of the Landau model and the Arrott–Noakes equation, the isothermal magnetization curves and the magnetocaloric effect have been successfully simulated.


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How to Cite

Khedmi, N., Zaidi, N., & Hsini, M. (2023). Magnetocaloric Effect Simulation in La0.8Na0.2MnO3-Δ Nanopowders. Journal of NanoScience in Advanced Materials, 2(1), 25–30.



Regular Article
Received 2023-04-09
Accepted 2023-06-03
Published 2023-06-25