Modelling the Magnetocaloric Effect Arising from Critical Behavior of Tb2Rh3Ge Rare-Earth

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Magnetizations, Critical behavior, Landau model, Spontaneous magnetization, Modified Arrot plot


In this paper, we investigated the critical behavior during the transition from the ferromagnetic to paramagnetic phase in Tb2Rh3Ge rare-earth. Utilizing the Landau theory, we produced isothermal magnetization curves, M(H,T), in the vicinity of the ferromagnetic-to-paramagnetic phase transition. Through an iterative program utilizing the Kouvel-Fisher method, we determined the optimized critical exponents to be: γ=1.003; β=0.348. These critical exponents are clear and reasonably consistent, although they do not align with the conventional universality classes. We have successfully simulated the magnetic entropy change curves by combining the Arrott-Noakes equation with the Landau model.


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How to Cite

Khadhraoui, S., Zaidi, N., & Hammami, H. (2023). Modelling the Magnetocaloric Effect Arising from Critical Behavior of Tb2Rh3Ge Rare-Earth. Journal of NanoScience in Advanced Materials, 2(2), 57–63.



Regular Article
Received 2023-10-24
Accepted 2023-11-06
Published 2023-12-22